Financial Literacy One-On-One Counseling (English & Spanish) / Savings Match Open or Close
Saving money and working within a budget can be difficult, especially while trying to keep up with your current expenses. CJHRC counselors know that credit and debt issues can prevent many individuals and households from attaining their housing goals. To enroll in our Financial Literacy Counseling (learn to create a budget and track your monthly expenses, get a free copy of your tri-merge credit report (soft pull), etc.), schedule an appointment with a CJHRC Counselor.
Budgeting Guidelines Cost of Living
Credit Release Authorization Form (to attain a tri-merge soft-pull full credit report)
Disclosure Statement – English
Disclosure Statement – Spanish
Financial Literacy Document Checklist
Financial Literacy/Money in Motion Open or Close
CJHRC assists many clients who are concerned with financial decisions, interested in setting financial goals and who have credit issues, whether major or minor. For those clients who are unable to attend one of our financial literacy virtual webinars, we offer the Money in Motion online course. This program is a combination of face to face and web based counseling.
Financial Literacy Webinar Open or Close
This workshop covers the following topics: Budgeting and Tracking of Expenses, Managing Money-Budget Basics, How to Create a Budget, 10 Financial Danger Signals, Getting a Copy of Your Credit Report, Understanding what makes up a Credit Score, How to Obtain a "free" Credit Score, Basic Credit Education and more.
- Additional Resources Open or Close